
This function allows you to change the values within a bundle definition. Using this function will change the file itself.

Function Name: SetBundleDef()
     bundledef => Location of bundle definition file
     key       => Value within bundle definition to modify
     value     => New value for bundle definition
Valid values for 'key' are:
     IncludedPkgs - Change the list of packages explicitly included in the 
                    bundle definition. See not below for format of value.
     ExcludedPkgs - Change the list of packages explicitly excluded in the 
                    bundle definition. See not below for format of value.
     Flags        - Set the flags given in the bundle definition. Value must
                    be an array of scalars of valid bundle flags.
     Name         - Set the name of the bundle definition. Note that this is
                    not the name of the file the definition is stored in. value
                    must be a scalar.
     VersionLabel - Set the version label of the bundle definition. value must
                    be a scalar.

     * In the case of 'key' equals 'IncludedPkgs' or 'ExcludedPkgs', value
       must be an array of hashes with the following fields:
         pkgName  => Name of package 
         pkgVer   => Package version
         pkgFlav  => Package flavor
         pkgType  => Package type


     # Set the verion of all packages to 2.0
     my @inclpkgs = ();
     for my $pkg (GPTAPI::QueryBundleDef(bundledef => "client.gpt-bundle.xml",
                                         key       => "IncludedPkgs"))
         my ($name, $flavor, $type) = $pkg =~ m!(.+)-([^_]+)_(.+)!;
         push @inclpkgs, { pkgName => $name,
                           pkgVer  => "2.0",
                           pkgFlav => $flavor,
                           pkgType => $type};
     GPTAPI::SetBundleDef(bundledef => "client.gpt-bundle.xml",
                          key       => "IncludedPkgs",
                          value     => \@inclpkgs);