
This function returns information about a given bundle definition.

Function Name: QueryBundleDef()
     bundledef => Location of bundle definition file
     key       => Value within bundle definition to query

Valid values for 'key' are:
     IncludedPkgs - Returns an array of name-flavor_type pkg tuples that are
                    explicitly listed as included in the bundle definition.
     ExcludedPkgs - Returns an array of name-flavor_type pkg tuples that are
                    explicitly listed as excluded in the bundle definition.
     Flags        - Returns an array of flags that are given in the bundle
     Name         - Returns a scalar that is the name assigned to the bundle.
     VersionLabel - Returns a scalar that is the version label assigned to
                    the bundle.


    my @flags = GPTAPI::QueryBundleDef(bundledef => "client.gpt-bundle.xml",
                                       key       => "Flags");
    if ( grep /NoDeps/, @flags )
        print "This bundle does not include dependent packages not";
        print "explicitly listed in IncludedPkgs\n";

   print "This bundle only includes the following packages:\n";
   for my $pkg  (GPTAPI::QueryBundleDef(bundledef => "client.gpt-bundle.xml",
                                        key       => "IncludedPkgs"))
       my ($name, $flavor, $type) = $pkg =~ m!(.+)-([^_]+)_(.+)!;
       print "Package Name is $name, Package type $type, flavor is $flavor\n";