#!/bin/sh # This cron script fetches XSEDE trust roots # (CA certificates, CRLs) from myproxy.teragrid.org. # Customize the following environment variables as appropriate. GLOBUS_LOCATION="/usr/local/globus" MYPROXY_SERVER="myproxy.teragrid.org" export GLOBUS_LOCATION MYPROXY_SERVER # set if connecting to a myproxy-server on a non-standard port #MYPROXY_SERVER_PORT=7512 #export MYPROXY_SERVER_PORT # set if using a non-standard trust root directory #X509_CERT_DIR=/etc/grid-security/certificates #export X509_CERT_DIR # set if using credentials in a non-standard location #X509_USER_CERT=/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem #X509_USER_KEY=/etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem #export X509_USER_CERT X509_USER_KEY # set if using a proxy in a non-standard location #X509_USER_PROXY=/tmp/x509up_u0 #export X509_USER_PROXY # set to force anonymous authentication to the myproxy-server and # avoid using client-side credentials #X509_USER_CERT=/dev/null #X509_USER_KEY=/dev/null #X509_USER_PROXY=/dev/null #export X509_USER_CERT X509_USER_KEY X509_USER_PROXY . ${GLOBUS_LOCATION}/libexec/globus-script-initializer ${GLOBUS_LOCATION}/bin/myproxy-get-trustroots 2>&1 | \ logger -t myproxy-get-trustroots-teragrid.cron -p cron.info exit 0