get CredentialManager get
get - retrieve the credential
get [ options ] <IndexService's base URL> user name credential name
The get command retrieves a credential from the server that was
previously stored using init. The user must have a valid proxy
credential as generated by grid-proxy-init or init when running this
command. In the default mode, the command prompts for the Credential pass
phrase associated with the credential to be retrieved and stores the retrieved
credential in the standard location ( /tmp/x509up_u<uid> ).
This standard location can be overridden by environmental variable X509_USER_PROXY.
Currently, the get command does not support credential renewal.
-gsiSecConv type --gsi_Secure_Conversation type
Specifies the type of GSI Secure Conversation.
There are two types available:
'sig' - for XML Signature
'enc' - for XML Encryption (default)
'anon' - for anonymous authentication
Enables GSI XML Signature (can be used together with -gssxml).
-deleg mode --delegation_mode mode
Specifies the mode of delegation.
The modes available are:
'limited' - performs limited delegation
'full' - performs full delegation (default)
-auth type --authorization_type type
The types available are:
'host' - performs host authorization (default)
'self' - performs self authorization
'none' - disables authorization
Otherwise, identity authorization is performed with type identity.
Enables debug mode.
-t hours, --proxy_lifetime hours
Specifies the lifetime of credentials retrieved from the
server using the stored credential. The resulting lifetime
is the shorter of the requested lifetime and the lifetime
specified when the credential was stored using init.
Default: 12 hours
-o file, --out file
Specifies where the retrieved proxy credential should be stored.
If this option is not specified, the proxy credential will be
stored in the location specified by X509_USER_PROXY. If
X509_USER_PROXY is not set, the proxy credential will be
stored in the default location ( /tmp/x509up_u<uid> ).
-p password, --credential_password password
Specifies the password of credentials to be gotten. If the user uses
this option, he will not be prompted for the password.
-h handle, --handle handle
Specifies the handle of the service instance. There is a
one-to-one mapping between the credentials and the service
instances. The service instance is accessed through its handle.
By default, the user name and credential name is used in get
command and the handle is obtained by querying the index service.
This option will allow user to directly specify the handle of
the service instance for that credential without using index
service. For more information, please refer to index service.
Specifies a non-standard location for the retrieved proxy credential.