Installing CredentialManager

This page documents the installation procedure for the CredentialManager software distribution from NCSA.

Step 1: Install the Globus Toolkit

If you do not already have a version of the Globus Toolkit installed that is compatible with the CredentialManager service, please visit the Globus Toolkit Web Page and follow the installation instructions provided. Only the GT3 core and mds-index.gar (in the GT3 GARs package) are required. Since index service is used in CredentialManager, please make sure that index service is available in the package.

Step 2: Download a CredentialManager package

Download a CredentialManager package from the Download page.

Step 3: Deploy the service

Set the GLOBUS_LOCATION environment variable (if you haven't already) to the directory where you installed the Globus Toolkit.

Then, enter CredentialManager directory and deploy CredentialManager service with the following command:

ant undeploy
ant clean
ant deploy

ant undeploy will undeploy the CredentialManager service. This command is necessary only if you installed an earlier version of CredentialManager before. An error will be shown otherwise.
ant clean is to clean up the files from the previous compilation. It is only necessary if previous version is compiled in this location. ant deploy is to deploy the CredentialManager service.

Installation Complete

This completes the installation of the CredentialManager. After the installation, a client program called myproxy-cm is installed at $GLOBUS_LOCATION/bin directory. (cm represents CredentialManager and the prefix "myproxy-" emphasizes that CredentialManager service is part of MyProxy project: Myproxy for OGSA.) Please see the User's Guide for the details to use this program. To use the CredentialManager, you must set up your Globus environment variables. Besides GLOBUS_LOCATION environment variable, X509_USER_KEY and X509_USER_CERT and X509_USER_PROXY need to be set for CredentialManager to function properly. Please see the Administrator's Guide for the details to set these environment variables.