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See: Description

Package Description


This package collects the high-level configuration abstraction used in the Security packages. It consists of a configuration which has components. These components will inject their property values into beans, which then allows applications to be independent of configuration. There are several possible ways to configure a system, e.g., reading in properties from a servlet context, having them stored in a database or even in an serialized in an RDF file. Applications should be aware of none of these.


Applications should use a configuration store to manage a collection of configurations. Each configuration has a unique identifier that is a URI and so may be retrieved. Generally, a configuration has a complete set of components. A configuration store factory retrieves the store of configurations. Each component has an inject method which is called with a bean as the argument. It is best to read the documentation in the configuration component for details. At this point the components must be aware of their targets and inject properties into them. The reason for this as opposed to some other mechanism is that generic beans may be configured this way (vs. requiring them to e.g., implement some interface).
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