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This package is used for adding email notification support to Tomcat servlets.

See: Description

Package Description

This package is used for adding email notification support to Tomcat servlets. Since Tomcat has a global facility for sending email, it is necessary to utilize that rather than just rolling our own (or there will be runtime issues). This is a wrapper for Java Mail.

Configuring Tomcat

One issue is that Tomcat uses multiple class loaders, so that if you include Java Mail in your webapp you will ge very strange ClassCastExceptions, e.g. javax.mail.Session cannot be cast to javax.mail.Session
This is because classes themselves exist as objects different class loaders have different instances of them, hence they are not identical so cannot be cast to each other. Rather than have a massive kludge to let you add the mail jar to your webapp, we'll require that you use Tomcat's system for this.

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