myproxy-admin-query(8) MyProxy myproxy-admin-query(8)
myproxy-admin-query - query MyProxy repository contents
myproxy-admin-query [ options ]
The myproxy-admin-query command displays information about the creden-
tials stored in the MyProxy repository. It can also be used to remove
credentials from the repository, by combining query options with
--remove. It accesses the repository directly and must be run on the
machine where the myproxy-server(8) is installed from the account that
owns the repository.
An example cron job for running myproxy-admin-query periodically to
remove invalid (expired, revoked, etc.) credentials from the repository
is provided at $GLOBUS_LOCATION/share/myproxy/myproxy.cron.
-h, --help
Displays command usage text and exits.
-u, --usage
Displays command usage text and exits.
-v, --verbose
Enables verbose debugging output to the terminal.
-V, --version
Displays version information and exits.
-l username, --username username
Return information on credentials for a single username. By
default, the command returns information on all credentials for
all usernames.
-k name, --credname name
Return information on the credentials with the specified name.
-o DN, --owner DN
Return information on the credentials owned by the specified
distinguished name.
-e hours, --expiring_in hours
Return information on credentials with remaining lifetime less
than the specified number of hours. For example, -e 0 will
return all expired credentials.
-t hours, --time_left hours
Return information on credentials with remaining lifetime
greater than the specified number of hours.
-i, --invalid
Return information on invalid (expired, revoked, etc.) creden-
-s dir, --storage dir
Specifies the location of the credential storage directory. The
directory must be accessible only by the user running the
myproxy-server process for security reasons. Default:
/var/lib/myproxy or /var/myproxy or $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/myproxy
-c file, --config file
Specifies the location of the myproxy-server configuration file,
for OCSP options. Default: /etc/myproxy-server.config or
-r, --remove
Remove the credentials matching the query from the repository.
For example, myproxy-admin-query -e 0 -r will remove all expired
credentials from the repository.
-L 'msg', --lock 'msg'
Places the credentials matching the query under an administra-
tive lock and specifies a message to be returned on access
attempts. Be sure to put the message in quotes so it is cap-
tured as one argument to the command.
-U, --unlock
Removes any administrative locks for the credentials matching
the query.
0 on success, >0 on error
See for the list of MyProxy authors.
myproxy-change-pass-phrase(1), myproxy-destroy(1), myproxy-init(1),
myproxy-logon(1), myproxy-retrieve(1), myproxy-store(1), myproxy-
server.config(5), myproxy-admin-adduser(8), myproxy-admin-change-
pass(8), myproxy-admin-load-credential(8), myproxy-server(8)
MyProxy 2011-09-19 myproxy-admin-query(8)
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