myproxy-admin-change-pass(8) MyProxy myproxy-admin-change-pass(8)
myproxy-admin-change-pass - change credential passphrase
myproxy-admin-change-pass [ options ]
The myproxy-admin-change-pass command changes the passphrase used to
encrypt a credential in the MyProxy repository. The command first
prompts for the current passphrase for the credential, then prompts
twice for the new passphrase. If an empty passphrase is given, the
credential will not be encrypted. It accesses the repository directly
and must be run on the machine where the myproxy-server(8) is installed
from the account that owns the repository.
-h Displays command usage text and exits.
-u Displays command usage text and exits.
-s dir Specifies the location of the credential storage directory. The
directory must be accessible only by the user running the
myproxy-server process for security reasons. Default:
/var/lib/myproxy or /var/myproxy or $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/myproxy
-l username
Specifies the MyProxy account under which the credential should
be stored.
-k name
Specifies the credential name.
-S, --stdin_pass
By default, the command prompts for a passphrase and reads the
passphrase from the active tty. When running the command non-
interactively, there may be no associated tty. Specifying this
option tells the command to read passphrases from standard input
without prompts or confirmation.
0 on success, >0 on error
See for the list of MyProxy authors.
myproxy-change-pass-phrase(1), myproxy-destroy(1), myproxy-info(1),
myproxy-init(1), myproxy-logon(1), myproxy-retrieve(1), myproxy-
store(1), myproxy-server.config(5), myproxy-admin-adduser(8), myproxy-
admin-load-credential(8), myproxy-admin-query(8), myproxy-server(8)
MyProxy 2009-12-1 myproxy-admin-change-pass(8)
Man(1) output converted with