2.2.9 -> 3.0 Added new bundling code. gpt-bundle, gpt-install, gpt-uninstall are completely rewritten. gpt-query and gpt-verify have new bundle switches. Changed setup_tarfiles to setup_gpt_dist Added MD5 checking for files Added gpt-md5, gpt-filelist-convert, gpt-filelist-copy, gpt-file-remove scripts to manage MD5 checksums. Added Location module which evaluates the install, build, and tmp locations based on $GLOBUS_LOCATION (depreciating), $GPT_INSTALL_LOCATION and switches. All scripts now have a -location switch to indicate the install location. Added PkgDef node and set to compare sets of package versions inside bundles and installations. Added a debugging feature to Inform.pm. Many scripts now have working -verbose and -debug flags. Added gpt-convert-bundle-old2new script to convert bundle definitions. build_gpt no longer stomps on PERL5LIB. perl MANIFEST files are now managed. Setup.pm now fiddles @INC to get the correct GPT modules. gpt-postinstall now sets GPT_LOCATION when running setup scripts. DTD's were reformatted. Added more explicit input file error msgs gpt-verify now sends all output to stdout. ./build_gpt -test now run's successfully. PodParser's test has problems and is not run. Added a SrcDir attribute to Build_instructions. gpt-build no longer stomps on package data from previous builds.