Creating Binary Packages

The -binpkg option is used to create binary packages from source directories, source packages or existing installations. The following usage applies:

uberBuild -binpkg [ -flavor ] [ -srcdir ] [-pkgdir ] [ -fast ] 
                  [ - compiler ] [ -pkgconf [ variable substitutions ] ]
                  [ package names ] [ src packages ]

The -flavor option defines the flavor to build the package with. Common values are dbg, pthr and dbgpthr. The value to -compiler is combined with the value for -flavor for the ultimate flavor used, so -flavor is not required if you wish for no other options than the compiler in your flavor choice.

The -compiler option species the compiler to build the source with. Common values are gcc32, gcc64 and vendorcc32.

The -srcdir option specifies the directory containing raw package sources. This option is required unless -pkgconf is used.

The -pkgconf option species the package configuration file to use.

The -fast option specifies that optmizations should be used when available. In the case of creating binary packages, optimizations include using available binary packages and using prebuilt installed packages to satisfy the request. Without the -fast option, the complete build process is preformed.

The "pacakage names" and "src packages" options refer to names of GPT packages available in -srcdir and GPT source packages that are already available.