Usage: uberBuild -listpkgs [ -setupname ] [ -srcdir ] uberBuild -listdeps [ -deptype ] [ -srcdir ] [ -pkgdir ] [ -pkgconf [ variable substitutions ] ] pkg uberBuild -genpkgconf -srcdir uberBuild -srcpkg [ -compiler ] [ -srcdir ] [-pkgdir ] [ -fast ] [ -pkgconf [ variable substitutions ] ] pkgs uberBuild -binpkg [ -flavor ] [ -srcdir ] [-pkgdir ] [ -fast ] [ - compiler ] [ -pkgconf [ variable substitutions ] ] [ package names ] [ src packages ] uberBuild -buildpkg [ -compiler ] [ -srcdir ] [-pkgdir ] [ -fast ] [ -flavor ] [ -pkgconf [ variable substitutions ] ] [ package names ] [ src packages ] uberBuild -createbundle [ -src | -flavor ] [ -bundleversion ] [ -bundlelabel ] [ -compiler ] [ -pkgconf [variable substitutions] ] [ bundle defitions ] -verbose and -debug can be added to any combination. Options: -listpkgs List pkgs with src available in -srcdir -setupname=s Used with -listpkgs, list pkgs with given setup name -srcdir=s Directory containing raw sources -pkgconf=s Package configuration file -genpkgconf Write internal pkg config to STDOUT -srcpkg Create the given source package(s) from srcdir -compiler=s compiler to use (gcc32, gcc64, vendorcc32, etc) -pkgdir=s directory with GPT packages and bundles -fast Optimize when possible, skip redundant steps -flavor=s Flavor to build with (pthr, dbg, etc) -debug Print debugging statements -verbose Print verbose output -bundleversion=s version of newly created bundle -versionlabel=s Label to use on newly created bundle variable subsitutions follow the for var=val where any pattern matching var in -pkgconf will be substituted with val.