Installing Update Packages

Under normal circumstances, GPT strictly inforces the integrity of installed bundles. However some organizations would rather distribute individual packages as "patches" to bundles. For this reason, gpt-install will allow updated packages to be installed that violate installed bundle integrity. The following shows how package updates work.

  1. Start with an empty installation location. Download the bundle newfoo-2.0-i686-pc-linux-gnu-bin.tar.gz and the packages globus_common-3.5-i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc32-pgm.tar.gz and globus_common-3.5-i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc32-rtl.tar.gz.

  2. Run gpt-install -location=YOUR_PREFIX newfoo-2.0-i686-pc-linux-gnu-bin.tar.gz and gpt-postinstall.

  3. Run gpt-install -location=YOUR_PREFIX globus_common-3.5-i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc32-pgm.tar.gz globus_common-3.5-i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc32-rtl.tar.gz.

  4. Run gpt-verify Notice that the script shows version mis-matches for the bundle newfoo. It also shows dependency problems indicating that this was not a well designed update.

    bash$ gpt-verify
    Verifying Bundles...
    Bundle: newfoo
    Package globus_common-gcc32-rtl ver: 2.0 is a mis-match with the following installed packages
    	globus_common-gcc32-rtl ver: 3.5
    Package globus_common-gcc32-pgm ver: 2.0 is a mis-match with the following installed packages
    	globus_common-gcc32-pgm ver: 3.5
    Verifying run-time dependencies...
    ERROR: The following packages are missing
    Package Runtime-globus_common-ANY-pgm version 3.5 is incompatible with globus_common_setup-noflavor-pgm